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To build big is building on solid foundations.

Let's develop it.


Project financing


Project financing

When it comes to realising residential real-estate projects in the SEE region, long-term infrastructure projects or large-scale industrial projects EROPs real estate project financing experts support our clients in obtaining the right amount of equity and debt.


Real-estate development


Real-estate development

EROP has been working with key players in the real-estate industry for more than half a decate to help direct them back onto a path of growth and pre 2008-profitability, allowing them to outperform their peers. Each construction category has its own challenges, which need to be addressed in a tailored approach. The challenges often differ from country to country due to customer preferences, historical development or government regulations.

Even in stagnating or declining markets, superior performance can be achieved by streamlining processes while allocating sufficient resources to front departments so as to deliver high-quality content to customers.

EROP is now fully available to support landowners, housing associations, developers and investors with a wide range of development agency and consultancy services.